How To Hide license Notices Nag

Well, you can choose to simply ignore it. Developers include these so that the plugin or theme can be updated automatically or so that you can register for support. All the items on Bevaultx will work perfectly fine without anything being entered in the license key box.

We would recommend updating your theme/plugins manually when updates become available on our site.

Hide License Notification Nag

With that being said, Sometimes those notices stick on top of the WordPress dashboard and can’t be closed. In that case, You can use this code snippet in your child theme’s function.php file

					add_action('admin_head', 'my_custom_notification');
function my_custom_notification() {
	echo '<style> 
	.update-nag, div#message.notice,.notice-error, .notice-warning, .error, .yith-license-notice {
		display: none;
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