Reactions WordPress Plugin

Mapplic – Custom Interactive Map WordPress Plugin

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628 in stock

Version:  7.1

One of the best plugin to convert normal images and vectors into responsive and interactive maps. It is the most unique plugin available in Codecanyon repository. The plugin is fully customizable and has inbuilt maps for 15 geographical areas.


Hey there, WordPress fanatics! If you’re looking to elevate your interactive mapping game to new heights, then the Mapplic Custom Interactive Map WordPress Plugin is right up your alley. This plugin isn’t just another map tool; it’s a powerhouse that transforms your static websites into dynamic, user-friendly experiences. Let’s dive into why Mapplic is a game-changer!

What Makes Mapplic Custom Interactive Map WordPress Plugin Stand Out?

Unlike regular map plugins, Mapplic lets you create custom interactive maps that can be tailored to your specific needs. Here’s what you get with Mapplic:

  • Simple click-and-go interface, perfect for WordPress beginners
  • High customization options, including the ability to map any image
  • Responsive design, ensuring your maps look great on all devices
  • Interactive elements like tooltips and popups to engage your audience

Unlock Premium Themes Plugins with Bevaultx

While you delve into the endless possibilities with Mapplic, it’s essential to highlight Bevaultx, your ultimate destination for a treasure trove of premium plugins and themes. You can access free WordPress themes and other premium tools without breaking the bank.

  • Enjoy seamless free WordPress downloads
  • Explore a vast collection of plugins and themes from marketplaces like ThemeForest and CodeCanyon
  • Keep your WordPress site ahead of the curve with regular updates

Optimize Your Interactive Maps with Practical Tips

Here are some pro-tips to get the most out of the Mapplic Custom Interactive Map WordPress Plugin:

  • Utilize high-quality images to ensure clarity and readability
  • Incorporate custom pins and markers to make important locations stand out
  • Engage users with popups and tooltips containing additional information
  • Experiment with different map types and styles to find what best suits your site’s theme

Remember, leveraging plugins like Mapplic adds immense value to your site. But why stop there? Dive deeper into the world of WordPress with a Bevaultx subscription!


Official Website Link

SKU: 07c0c0f2e51d
Product Category: Utilities

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